个人资料: 姓名:孔庆江 性别: 男 出生日期: 1965年12月2日 出生地点: 中国杭州 学历: 法学博士 |
联系资料: 通讯地址:vic115维多利亚
电子邮件: qkong2000@cupl.edu.cn |
1. 2007年-2009年7月 对外经贸大学法学博士后
2. 1995年9月—1998年6月: 武汉大学法学院国际经济法专业博士生, 1998年6月获颁法学博士学位
3. 1987年9月—1990年7月: 华东政法学院国际法系国际私法专业硕士生, 1990年7月获颁法学硕士学位
4. 1983年9月—1987年7月: 南京大学大地海洋科学系经济地理专业本科生, 1985年9月起至1987年7月经批准同时攻读南京大学法学双学位课程。1987年7月获颁理学士学位
1. 1990年7月—1993年5月: 浙江省司法厅办公室干部
2. 1993年5月—2011年12月: 浙江工商大学(原名:杭州商学院)法律专业 (后来相继扩
展成法律系和法学院)任教, 1999年11月被评聘为副教授.
1) 1996年11月1日—1997年4月30日: 瑞士日内瓦 联合国贸易与发展会议跨国公司与投资司政策与法律研究处实习生(internship)
2) 1997年5月2日—1997年12月24日: 德国海德堡 马克斯普朗克比较公法和国际法研究院访问学者 (Guest)
3) 2000年2月9日—2000年8月16日: 德国海德堡 马克斯普朗克比较公法和国际法研究院博士后访问研究员(Guest fellow)
4) 2000年9月1日—2000年12月27日: 英国剑桥 剑桥大学老特派特国际法研究中心访问研究员 (visiting fellow)
5) 2001年4月18日-2002年8月28日: 新加坡 新加坡国立大学东亚研究所全薪客座研究员(visiting research fellow).
3. 2012年1月5日 vic115维多利亚,任主持工作副院长、院长、教授至
1. China’s Foreign Investment Law amid Evolving International Investment Rules, Springer, 2023
2. New Bank Insolvency Law In Europe and China (Vol I: China), Leiden: Eleven Publishing, 2017)
3. China and the World Trade Organization: A Legal Perspective, World Scientific Publishing (New jersey, Hong Kong, London, Singapore), 2002
4. WTO, Internationalization and the Intellectual Property Rights Regime in China, Marshall Cavendish International (Singapore),2005
5. China-EU Trade Disputes and Their Management, World Scientific Publishing Co (Singapore, London, New Jersey, Hong Kong), 2012
1. 《世界贸易组织法理论与实务》,高等教育出版社,2021年。
2. 《外商投资法透视》,中国商务出版社,2019年。
1. 《中华人民共和国外商投资法解读》,法律出版社,2019年。
2. 《国际经济法律规范的可移植性与国家经济安全的相关性研究》,武汉大学出版社,2016年。
1. 中国纺织品贸易法律环境,中国人民大学出版社,法律科学文库,2005年。
2. International Economic Law and China in the Post-WTO Era (国际经济法与入世之后的中国), 北京大学出版社, 2008年。
学术期刊论文(Journal Articles):
1. Regulatory Cooperation in Mega-Regional Trade Agreements, American Journal of Trade and Policy, vol.9, no.1 (2022)
2. ISDS Reform in the Context of China’s IIAs (co-authored with Chen Kaiyuan), ICSID Review-Foreign Investment Law Journal, Vol. 36 Issue 1, winter 2021
3. Will China Redefine International Trade Norms?(co-authored with Li Chen), Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy, Vol. 16 No. 2 September 2021
4. Explaining the Limits of the WTO in Shaping the Rule of Law in China (co-authored with Ming Du), Journal of International Economic Law , Vol. 23 Issue 4, December 2020
5. Technology Transfer under China’s Foreign Investment Regime: Does the WTO Provide a Solution? (co-authored with Weihuan Zhou, Huiqin Jiang), Journal of World Trade, 2019
6. WTO Reform: Will There Be A Third Option Other Than A US Withdrawal and A China Expulsion? (co-authored with Guo Shuai)Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy, Volume 14 Number 2 September 2019
7. Towards a Mega-Plurilateral Dispute Settlement Mechanism for the WTO? (co-authored with Guo Shuai), Journal of World Trade, Vol 53, issue 2, 2019
8. Towards a Free Trade Agreement Between the United Kingdom and China in the Post-Brexit Age? Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 2018
9. ‘Trade Rows between China and the US: are they manageable?' Global Trade and Customs Journal. Vol. 12 No.7, 2017
10. International Law Teaching in China: Engaging in a Pedagogical Reform or Embracing Professionalism and Internationalization?,’ Cambridge Journal of China Studies, Vol. 12 No 1, 2017
11. Beyond the Love –Hate Approach? International Law and International Institutions and the Rising China, China: An International Journal, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2017, pp. 41-62.
12. Emerging Rules in International Investment Instruments and China’s Reform of State-owned Enterprises, The Chinese Journal of Global Governance, Vol.3, No.1, 2017.
13. The state-led economy issue in the BIT negotiations and its policy implications, China-EU Law Journal, Vol. 5 No. 1, 2016.
14. “Is there a way in the labyrinth of treaty norms leading to the applicable rule? Investor-state investment settlement under the China-Korea FTA, China-Japan-Korea BIT and China-Korea BIT”, Columbia Journal of Asian Law, (2016 )
15. ‘EC – Seal Products: A New Baseline for the Global Economic Governance and National Regulatory Autonomy Debate’, 13 (1) Manchester Journal of International Economic Law (2016, co-author with Michael Ming Du).
1. International Law and International Institutions: Implications for a Rising China, 2 Chinese Journal of Global Governance (1) 2005, pp. 156-173.
16. Transparency Standards in International Investment Agreement Negotiations: A Chinese Lawyer’s Perspective on the UNCITRAL Rules, China and WTO Review, Vol. 1 Issue 1, 2015.
1. China in the WTO and Beyond: Chinese Approach to International Institutions,Tulane Law Review, Vol. 88, No 5, pp.959-980
2. Bilateral Investment Rule-Making: BITs or FTAs with Investment Rules? Journal of World Investment and Trade, Vol. 14 Issue 4, 2013
3. Is China’s Currency Issue a Real One in the WTO? China, An International Journal, Vol 10 No 3, December 2012
4. China's Uncharted FTA Strategy, Journal of World Trade, vol 46, no 5, October 2012
5. U.S.-China Bilateral Investment Treaty Negotiations: Context, Focus, and Implications, Asian Journal of WTO & International Health Law and Policy Volume 7, Number 1, 2012
6. EU’s Monitoring of China’s WTO Compliance, European Business Law Review, vol.22, no. 3, 2011.
7. Trade Disputes between China and the EU: Are They manageable? Global Trade and Customs Journal, vol.5 no.2, 2010
8. Embracing an intellectual property strategy amid WTO compliance, Journal of Intellectual Property Law & Practice, Vol 4, no 10, 2009
9. Doctrine of Ordre Public and the Sino-US Copyright Dispute, Lawasia Journal(University of Queensland), 2009
10. The Political Economy of The Intellectual Property Regime-Building in China: Evidence From The Chinese Patent Regime, Pacific McGeorge Global Business & Development Law Journal Vol. 20.2
11. China’s WTO Accession and the Asean–China Free Trade Area: The Perspective of a Chinese Lawyer, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 7 Issue 4, December 2004.
12. Cross-Taiwan Strait Relations: What are the Legitimate Expectations From the WTO?, Minnesota Journal of Global Trade, 2004 Winter
13. Japanese Chauvinism or Chinese Nationalism: Protection of Intellectual Property in China and its Implications for Sino-Japanese Economic Relations, Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol.6 No.5, September 2003 (Journal of World Affairs, Zero Issue, 2005)
14. A Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement between Mainland China and Hong Kong, China: An International Journal (the journal of East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore), Volume 1, Number 1, March 2003
15. Quest for Constitutional Justification: Privatization with Chinese Characteristics, Journal of Contemporary China, Vol.12, No. 36, 2003
16. Intellectual Property Rights Protection in the Post-WTO Era: Still an Incurable Blight to Sino-US Trade Relations? Issues & Studies (Institute of International Relations, National Chengchi University, Taiwan) Vol 38, No. 3, July 2002
17. Bilateral Investment Treaties: Chinese Approaches and Practice, Asian Yearbook of International Law, Kluwer Law International, vol. 8, 2003
18. Towards WTO Compliance: China’s Foreign Investment Regime in Transition, Journal of World Investment, Vol 3, No. 5, October 2002
19. The Practice of Private International Law in China (Co-author), Melbourne Journal of International Law, October 2002
20. A Story of Globalization: The WTO and an Evolving China, Harvard Asia-Pacific Review, Spring 2002
21. Can the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism Solve the Trade Disputes between China and Taiwan? Journal of International Economic Law, Vol.5 No 3, 2002.
22. Enforcement of WTO Agreements in China: Reality or Illusion? Journal of World Trade, Vol. 35 No.6 (December 2001)
23. Judicial Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China: On the Eve of China's WTO Accession, Journal of World Intellectual Property, Vol 4, No. 6 (November 2001).
24. China’s Accession to the WTO: Commitments and Implications, Journal of International Economic Law, Vol. 3 Issue 4 (December 2000)
25. China's Telecom Regulatory Regime on the Eve of WTO Accession, Issue & Studies, Vol 37, No.4, July-August 2001
26. Is China’s Judiciary Ready for WTO Entry? Harvard Asian Quarterly, Autumn 2001
27. Chinese Law and Practice on Government Procurement in the Context of China’s WTO Accession, Public Procurement Law Review, 04/2002, pp. 201-214.
28. Transitional Labor Relations in China: Problems and Their Legal Approach, Mitteilungen des Instituts für Schweizerisches Arbeitsrecht (2001)
29. Enforcement of Hong Kong SAR Judgments in Mainland China (Asian Yearbook of International Law, Vol. 7)
30. Enforcement of Hong Kong SAR Judgments in the People’s Republic of China (International and Comparative Law Quarterly, Vol. 49/4, October 2000. N.B. This is a substantially rewritten and updated and substantially revised version of the previous article.)
31. “Liberating Taiwan”: Peaceful offensive or Armed might (co-author), Harvard Asia Quarterly, Harvard University, 2000 (4)
32. Old Bottle for New Wine—New Chinese Copyright Legislation in the digital context, Issues & Studies, Vol. 36/5
33. A study of the Regulation of the Internet, Journal of Zhejiang University (English edition), co-author, 3/2000
34. Regulation of the Internet: the Chinese Approach,UFITA -- Archiv für Urheber-, Film-, Funk- und Theaterrecht Vol. 2000/I
35. Protection of intellectual property in China—The perspective of a Chinese lawyer (Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und völkerrecht, Journal of the Max-Planck Institute, 1998, 58/1
36. Foreign investment regime in China (Zeitschrift für ausländisches öffentliches Recht und völkerrecht, Journal of the Max-Planck Institute 1997, 57/4, pp. 869-898
37. New Chinese Copyright Legislation in the digital context (UFITA -- Archiv für Urheber-, Film-, Funk- und Theaterrecht Vol. 2001/I
38. Privatisation: an untold story in China, IJVO (Internationale Juristenvereinigung, Jahresheft) 1999/2000, Osbabrück, Germany
1. 以创造精神抓住契机推动世界贸易组织上诉机制的改革,《国际贸易》2024年第1期。
2. 国际贸易中国内规制壁垒的应对和解决,《清华法学》2023年7月。
3. 高质量发展背景下的“一带一路”国际合作机制建设与创新的理论展开,《政法论丛》2023年第4期。
4. 提高中国在国际贸易法制中话语权的路径研究,《政法论坛》,2023年第3期
5. 中国商事判决跨境执行司法合作体系新探 ,《江西社会科学》,2023年第2期。(第一作者)
6. “一带一路”建设与国际经贸规则创新和完善,《亚太安全与海洋研究》2023年第2期。
7. 香港建设亚太区国际法律及争议解决服务中心的实现路径,《学术前沿》第12期上
8. 中国应该加入《谷物贸易公约》吗?《浙江大学学报》,2022年第11期(第一作者)
9. 数据跨境流动全球治理:国家间信任关系的缺失与构建,《现代传播》2022年第6期(第一作者)
10. 碳排放政策的投资仲裁风险与因应,《太平洋学报》,2022年第4期(与刘禹合作,第二作者)
11. 国际条约在涉外审判中的适用,《国际商务研究》,2022年第3期(与梅冰合署,第一作者)
12. “一带一路”投资安全保障机制体系研究,《上海政法学院学报》2022年第4期(与王荣华合署,第一作者)
13. 国际文化法律制度的现存问题与完善建议 ——以人类命运共同体理念的包容互鉴观为视角,《江汉大学学报》2022年第2期(与公炜韬合作,排名第二)
14. RCEP争端解决机制:为亚洲打造的自贸区争端解决机制,《当代法学》, 2021年第1期。
15. 习近平法治思想中的全球治理观,《政法论坛》, 2021年第1期。
16. RCEP扩容可以作为亚太自贸区的建设路径吗?《中国国际法年刊》 2020年(与梅冰合署,第一作者)
17. 管控南海争端的共同开发制度探讨,《中国海洋大学学报》 2020年第6期(与吴盈盈合作,第一作者)
18. 中日韩自贸协定投资争议解决机制走向及中国的政策选项,《学术前沿》, 2020年9月。
19. 国际合作:国际公共卫生领域的习惯国际法义务,《国际法学刊》,2020年第3期。
20. 我国周边海洋争端提交国际司法管辖权问题研究(与吴盈盈合作),《亚太安全与海洋研究》, 2019年第5期。
21. 外国投资法下的外商投资保护,《国际贸易》2019年第5期。
22. 一个解决WTO上诉机构僵局的设想,《清华法学》, 2019年第4期。
23. 《中华人民共和国外商投资法》的立法进程及其若干重大问题的初步解读,《国际贸易问题》, 2019年第3期。
24. 1945—1949年国民党政府与南海有关行为的国际法意义(与吴盈盈合作),《学术界》,2019年第2期。
25. 论中美贸易摩擦持续情况下的中国对策,《国际贸易》,2019年第1期。
26. 美欧对世界贸易组织改革的设想与中国方案比较,《欧洲研究》,2019年第3期。
1. 中国国际商事法庭制度设计需正视的问题及建议(与李旭合作),《中国国际法年刊》 2018年。
2. WTO裁决执行中的合理期限仲裁,《国际法研究》, 2018年第6期。
3. 特朗普政府的“公平贸易”政策及其应对(与刘禹合作),《太平洋学报》, 2018年第10期。
4. 逆全球化问题和全球化重塑的路径(与刘禹合作),《国际经济法学刊》,2018 年第1期。
5. “一带一路”倡议背景下中国在亚太地区的自贸区构建路径,《区域与全球发展》, 2017年第1期。
6. 深海资源开发:国际投资法新疆域,《学术前沿》, 2017年5月。
7. 南海争端“双轨思路”下的制度建设略论,《亚太安全与海洋研究》, 2017 年第3期。
8. 南海争端处理新思维,《边界与海洋研究》, 2017年第2期。
9. 美国在国际投资规则形成过程中是如何设置议程的?《中国政法大学学报》2017年第2期。
10. 多边主义或去多边主义-从金砖国家开发银行和应急储备基金再看国际金融监管,《中国国际法年刊》, 2014年。
27. 中美BIT谈判中的国家主导经济议题研究及我国的对策,政法论坛,2014年第6期
11. 从国际法视角看签署待生效的中国-加拿大双边投资协定,国际经济法学刊, 2014年 第2期
12. 《入世议定书》解释:逻辑自洽性有可能吗?(与郭帅合作)《国际法研究》, 2014年第3期。
13. 市场扰乱影响纺织品贸易环境,《中国社会科学文摘》, 2006年第4期
14. 浅论单边贸易措施的适法性,《现代法学》, 2006年第6期
15. WTO争端解决机制与两岸贸易争端,(中國評論) (香港) 2002年9月
16. 中国解决国际争端的实践(与胡敏飞合作),《亚洲研究》(香港) 2002年。
17. 破除自由贸易的迷思,《读书》, 2002年10月。
18. 中国加入世界贸易组织后对行政管理的影响,《经济与法律》(香港), 2002 年第1期。
19. 新加坡政府鼓励海外投资的经验对中国的借鉴,《经济与法律》(香港), 2001 年第3期。
20. 区域投资法律文件研究,《法学》, 2000年11月。
21. 银行资本充足率监管的法律研究(与李有星合作),《浙江大学学报》(人文社科版), 2000年10月 。
著作章节 (Book Chapters)
1. China and Global Health Law (co-authored with Guo Shuai), in The Cambridge Handbook of China and International Law (ed. by Ignacio de la Rasilla and Congyan Cai), Cambridge University Press, forthcoming
2. Transparency and Local Subsidies in China and the United States (co-authored with Simon J. Evenett), in:Rebooting Multilateral Trade Cooperation: Perspectives from China and Europe (ed. by Bernard Hoekman et al),CEPR Press, 2021
3. Is the ‘Belt and Road’ Initiative the Chinese Vision of Global Governance? (co-authored with Du Ming) in Giuseppe Martinico and Xueyan WU (ed): A Legal Analysis of the Belt and Road Initiative, Palgrave Macmillan, 2020
4. Foreign Investment Screening in China (co-authored with Kaiyuan Chen), YSEC Yearbook of Socio-Economic Constitutions 2020, Springer, 2020
5. Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and Chinese Approach to International Disputes to Which it is a Party, forthcoming in Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, Selected Papers on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, 2015
6. Chinese Approach to the Insolvency of Bank (co-author with Sun), forthcoming in Bob Wessel and Matthias Haentjens (ed), Research Handbook on Crisis Management in the Banking Sector, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2014
1. A Rising Tide Lifts All Boats? -- IPR Provisions in China's Free Trade Agreements,Regional Cooperation and Free Trade Agreements, Nijhoff Brill, 2014.
2. China in the WTO: Enforcement of TRIPS Agreement and the Doha Round, in Rohan Kariyawasam (ed.): Chinese Intellectual Property and Technology Laws, Edgar, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd, 2011
1. International Dispute Settlement: The Chinese Approach and Practice, and Their Implications, in Sornarajah and Wang (ed.), China, India and the International Economic Order, Cambridge University Press, 2010
2. Construction of the Discourse on Legitimacy of International Institutions, in Ruediger Wolfrum (ed), Legitimacy in International Law, Springer 2008
7. Towards a Balanced Interaction between Competition Policies and Intellectual Property Rights in the Chinese Context, in Chen (ed): International Economic Law and China in its Economic Transition, Williams S. Hein & Co, Inc., 2007
8. International Regulation of Finance: Is Regionalism Preferred to Multilateralism in Asia? in Thilo Marauhn (ed), International Regulation of Finance, Cambridge University Press 2006
9. Human Rights Approach to Trade: some thoughts, in Cottier and Pauwelyn (eds): Human Rights and International Trade, Oxford University Press, 2005
10. Is the European Experience Duplicable in East Asia, in Ruediger Wolfrum (ed), Developments of International Law in Treaty-making, Springer, 2005
11. Enforcement of WTO Agreements in China: Reality or Illusion? in Deborah Cass (ed): China and the World Trading System: Entering the New Millennium, Cambridge University Press, February 2003
12. Where Will China’s Internet Regulation Go After WTO Accession? in: Globalization and the Chinese Economy, in Lu Ding (ed), Ashgate Publishing 2003
13. Adapting to the WTO dispute Settlement Mechanism: New Challenge to China, in John Wong (ed): China’s Post-Jiang Leadership Succession, National University of Singapore Press, 2002
1. “中国的人权理念与比较特征”,《光明日报》2022年6月7日
2. “世卫大会:公道自在人心”,《光明日报》2020年5月20日
3. “‘中国担责论’在国际法上根本站不住脚”,《光明日报》 2020年5月14日
4. “共同繁荣 共同发展”,《人民日报》2014年7月3日理论版
5. “为‘一带一路’建设提供司法保障”,《人民日报》2015年9月18日理论版)
6. “为‘一带一路’建设提供法律支撑”,《人民日报》2017年9月19日理论版
7. “浅谈海上丝绸之路上的制度互通”,《中国海洋报》2018年5月2日理论版
新媒体专栏部分文章(New Media Op-ed)
1. 2018-09-29
Opinion: What message does the White Paper convey?
2. 2018-10-07
Opinion: China's accession to WTO is helpful to the whole world
3. 2018-10-18
Opinion: SOEs will be treated by ‘Competitive neutrality’ principle
4. 2018-10-21
Opinion: Vocational programs in Xinjiang help fight extremism
5. 2018-10-24
Opinion: Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge spurs regional integration and growth
6. 2018-10-24(2)
Opinion: Clearer message of China-EU cooperation is needed
7. 2018-10-26
Opinion: Xi's tour in Guangdong sends a strong message on continuing to open up
8. 2018-10-28
Opinion: WTO needs a balanced reform agenda
9. 2018-10-30
Opinion: Abe's China visit helps build political mutual trust
10. 2018-11-03
Opinion: How will midterm election reshape US-China trade ties?
11. 2018-11-03(2)
Opinion: US grilled in the WTO for its trade behaviors
12. 2018-11-04
Opinion: A level playing field is needed for the private sector
13. 2018-11-07
Opinion: China International Import Expo: A confirmation of China's further opening up
14. 2018-11-07(2)
Opinion: What does China's ranking in the World Bank's Doing Business report imply?
15. 2018-11-09
Opinion: Freer trade and further opening up are highlighted in Xi’s speech at CIIE
16. 2018-11-09(2)
Opinion: CIIE to stimulate trade between China and other countries
17. 2018-11-10
Opinion: Xi's congratulatory letters urges Internet companies to accept new role
18. 2018-11-20
Opinion: US, China take different approaches to openness at APEC
19. 2018-12-02
Opinion: China will defend multilateralism at G20 Summit
20. 2018-12-11
Opinion: A practical approach to Meng Wanzhou's case
21. 2018-12-12
Opinion: Why China is capable of dealing with reduced purchases of US soybeans
22. 2018-12-14
Opinion: What may be the way out of Meng's case
23. 2018-12-15
Opinion: Meng's case is more of a political move
24. 2018-12-20
Opinion: Third Plenary Session of 11th CPC Central Committee ushers in new era
25. 2018-12-21
Opinion: Historic CPC meeting ushered in China's new era
26. 2018-12-24
Opinion: Will there be international regulation of cyberspace?
27. 2018-12-29
Opinion: New law to be enacted to address concerns over technology transfer
28. 2019-01-09
Opinion: Turning the U.S.-China trade war into a strategic opportunity
29. 2019-01-16
Anti-graft campaign strengthened for Party governance
30. 2019-01-19
Opinion: Huawei CEO's luck and misfortune
31. 2019-02-19
Aim high: Decoding the Greater Bay Area development plan
32. 2019-03-06
Will Huawei rise above the legal challenge?
33. 2019-03-15
New Foreign Investment Law is milestone in China’s opening-up process
34. 2019-03-15(2)
A trade war should be a chance for trade expansion
35. 2019-03-15(3)
The National People's Congress concluded with a victory
36. 2019-03-17
Can 'tariff man' win with his tariff tactic?
37. 2019-03-17(2)
China's new law outlaws forced technology transfer
38. 2019-04-17
WTO decision reflects failure of U.S. trade protectionism
37. 2019-04-29
Why Australia’s Huawei ban is unjustifiable under the WTO
39. 2019-05-07
Dark clouds hang over Huawei case
40. 2019-05-13
A balanced agreement is needed to end the trade war
42. 2019-05-17
What's China's proposal on WTO reform?
43. 2019-05-22
Make Huawei's hardship an incentive for innovation
44. 2019-06-01
What does China's proposed 'Unreliable' Entity List imply?
45. 2019-06-27
A realistic G20 summit is what the world needs
What can international cooperation do to curb the spread of the new coronavirus? https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-01-25/What-can-the-global-community-do-to-curb-the-spread-of-coronavirus--NxiPjYA2wU/index.html
Is the future of WTO lingering on Washington’s whim? https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-05-16/Is-the-future-of-WTO-lingering-on-Washington-s-whim--Qx2jjeZQti/index.html
National security legislation won't undermine the freedom of HK residents, http://China.org.cn, May 29, 2020
1. 国家哲学社会科学基金“研究阐释党的十九大精神国家社科基金专项‘“一带一路”的国际合作机制框架设计’,首席专家,2018-2020。
2. 国家哲学社会科学基金“面向国际争端管控的南海资源共同开发的国际法问题研究,主持人,2014-2017。
3. 司法部课题“投资协定谈判中的国家主导经济问题”主持人2014-2017。
4. “国际法中普遍性法律利益的保护问题研究”,主持人, 2008-2012。
5. 教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地重大项目“国际经济法律规范的可以执行与国家经济安全的相关性研究—以WTO法为例”, 2008-2015。
6. 国家哲学社会科学基金“知识产权制度国际化背景下的中外知识产权竞争及其对我国技术创新的影响”,主持人 2003-2007。
7. 浙江省哲学社会科学发展规划领导小组重点课题“苏浙沪两省一市地方立法研究比较—对鼓励外国投资立法的比较”,主持人, 2008-2011。
1. 2015年宝钢优秀教师奖
2. 2010年教育部新世纪优秀人才
3. 2009年人力资源社会保障部、教育部共同授予“全国模范教师“称号
4. 浙江省组织部、省人事厅等共同授予,浙江省优秀回国留学人员 2008
5. 钱端升法学研究成果荣誉奖,2008
6. 钱端升法学研究成果荣誉奖,2007
7. 安子介国际贸易研究奖二等奖,2020年。
8. 安子介国际贸易研究奖三等奖,2004
1. 组织WTO Public Forum 2021(2021年世界贸易组织公共论坛), China and WTO Reform: Toward Consensus and Resilience, 2021年11月29日。
2. 组织WTO Public Forum 2019(2019年世界贸易组织公共论坛), Trade remedies at the crossroads in an evolving world, 2019年10月10日。
3. 应Scuola Sant'Anna 邀请于2019年5月23日在比萨作 “Belt and Road Initiative: Towards a Chinese Version of Global Governance”演讲
4. 应Chatham House邀请,在其组织的关于Security and Prosperity in the Asia-Pacific的会议(2019年3月27日)上做China’s Role in Global Economic Governance的报告
5. 应邀在University of Tokyo关于The Future of the WTO的学术会议(2019年月10日)上作“US withdrawal from the WTO or China expulsion from the WTO?”的报告;
6. 应邀在 Asian WTO Research Network 和 UNSW主办的2018 AWRN Conference ( 2018年8月17-18日) 作 “A Plurilateral Dispute Settlement Mechanism for the WTO”报告;
7. 应邀在City University of Hong Kong 主办的The Forum on Legal Education (2018年5月9日) 作 The Internationalization of Legal Education in China报告;
8. 应邀在University of Montreal 在2017年9月30日作 “The Belt and Road Initiative: Context, Focus and Implications”的报告;
9. 应邀于2016年9月28日在西班牙Deutso University 作 “A Chinese Version of Globalization”的报告 ;
10. 应邀在British Institute of International and Comparative Law 和University of Surrey 于 2017 年5月31日作“Towards a China-UK Free Trade Agreement in the context of Brexit”报告;
11. 应邀在University of Pennsylvania School of Law主办的US, China and International Law (2016年10月5-6日)会议上作 China and its International law practice 报告;
12. 应邀在 University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia 主办的International Conference on China-Australia Free Trade Agreement上作A New Version of Non-market Economy?报告。 (2016年6月17-18日);
13. 应邀在Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland主办的 China-Europe Investment Conference 作Reforming SOEs in the context of Emerging International Investment Agreements(13-14 February 2016);
14. 应邀在Peking University于2016年10月29-30日主办的Globalization and International law上作China’s Approach to International Law报告;
15. 应邀在荷兰莱顿大学法学院主办的Crisis Management in Banking Sector Symposium,作China’s bank insolvency 报告,2015.11.5,
16. 应邀在Tulane University法学院讲授China’s Foreign Investment Law课程(January-February 2015)
17. 应邀在 East Asia Institute, National University of Singapore主办的“China’s Rise: Is China A Status Quo Power”会议上作 China’s Rise and International Law 演讲, 25-26 September 2014
18. 应邀在2014年7月16日美国纽约联合国贸易法委员会“主办的 基于条约的投资者-国家仲裁透明度条约制定会议”
19. 应邀在 Oxford University Centre for Socio-Legal Studies主办的European China Law Society会议上作 Chinese Approach to international Dispute Settlement, September 19-20, 2013
20. 应邀在 The Faculty of Law University of Helsinki to speak on China’s FTAs and their chapters on intellectual property rights in September 23-24, 2012
21. 应邀在 McGeorge Law School, 讲授Comparative Intellectual Property课程( February 2011)
22. 应韩国成均馆大学法学院邀请在 “Korea-China Forum on Korea-China Free Trade Agreement”上作A little bit room for BIT, please!Negotiation of a China-Korea FTA without Investment Rules的发言, August 20-20, 2010
23. 应邀在 Society of International Economic Law, Geneva, to speak on the copyright dispute between China and the US in the WTO, August 2008
24. 应邀在新加坡国立大学法学院举办的”International Symposium on China, Indian and International Economic Order”作“Chinese Practice of International Dispute Settlement”的发言, 23-24 June 2006
25. 应邀厦门大学法学院主办的International Economic Law and China in its Economic Transition国际研讨会上作为中方代表之一作Towards A Balanced Interaction Between Competition Policies And Intellectual Property Rights In China’s Context报告,2004年11月4-5日
26. 应邀在越南司法部作What can Vietnam Learn from China’s Legal Transformation after the WTO Accession”(中国加入世界贸易组织法律变革对越南的启示)的学术报告和研讨会,2004年5月17-19
27. 应邀在 American Society of International Law 主办的国际经济法和人权第三次研讨会上作“Human Rights Approach to Trade: some thoughts ”的报告, Washington DC, 31March -5 April 2004
28. 应邀在 Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law 主办的 Conference on the “Development of International Law—An Alternative to Treaty-making?”上作“Is the European Experience Duplicable in East Asia?”报告, 14-15 November 2003
29. 应邀在Asian Development Research Forum 主办的国际会议上作 “The legal perspectives or challenges to regional integration and China's WTO accession”报告,Bangkok, Thailand, 2-3 December 2002)
30. 应邀在 Centre for Asia-Pacific Studies, Lingnan University (Hong Kong) 主办的Sino-US Economic Relations After China’s Accession to the WTO”会议上作“Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in China and Its Ramifications for Sino-US Trade Relations at the conference”, 6-7 May 2002
31. 应邀在Faculty of Business Administration, National University of Singapore 作 “The opportunity in China’s logistic industry after its WTO accession” 的专题报告, 13 March 2002
32. 应邀在East Asian Institute,National University of Singapore主办的“The Challenge to China’s Fourth Generation of Leadership”会议上 作“New Challenge to China: Adapting to the WTO Dispute Settlement Mechanism”报告, 9-10 November 2001
33. 受 United Nations Development Program资助,应邀在中国(海南)改革与发展研究院主办的International Forum on WTO, Opening-up and Anti-monopoly, 作 “China's Telecom Regulatory Regime on the Eve of WTO Accession”报告,22-24 October 2001
34. 应邀在French Business Association in Singapore 主办的 Executive Workshop 作“ China' foreign investment regime and dispute settlement mechanisms on the eve of WTO accession”报,告28 September 2001
35. Invited by Mandarin Executive Development Program for Zhongshan City (sponsored by the Faculty of Business Administration, National University of Singapore) to speak on China's WTO Accession and its Impact on the Government Administration
36. EAI Seminar on “Enforcing WTO agreement in China: reality or illusion?” East Asian Institute, National University of Singapore (31 August 2001)
37. Invited by the Faculty of Law, Australian National University, to attend a conference on China and the WTO and to speak on “China and the WTO: Enforcing WTO agreements” (Canberra, Australia, March 16/17, 2001)
38. Invited by Professor Meinhard Hilf to give an ad hoc lecture on China’s WTO accession at the Faculty of Law, University of Hamburg (May 2000)
39. Invited by Professor Christian von Bar to give an ad hoc lecture on China’s privatisation programme at the University of Osnabrück (June, 2000)
40. Invited by the Institute of Chinese Studies, the University of Heidelberg, to attend the Cross-Culture Leadership Forum in Germany and to give a lecture concerning labour relations in the context of Foreign-invested Enterprises